Care For All in Education June/
July/August Spotlight 2024 

Care For All in Education June/July/August Spotlight 2024 

Congratulations, the end of the school year is here, you did it!!


You have accomplished a lot over these last 10 months and now it is time for you to take a well-deserved break. Hopefully you can take time off and settle into a more relaxing routine; however, not all staff members working in the education sector have the summer months off, or that staff are busy caring for family, volunteering, engaging in professional development or working other job(s) to make ends meet. Summer can be incredibly busy, potentially boring and everything in between. It may seem like a lot of time, but for many, it slips away quickly. People are trying to pack it all in; the fun stuff, like going to the beach but also, catching up on the not-so-fun activities like dentist appointments or major household projects. How do you maximize your time off so that when you return you feel refueled, balanced, and ready for another year?


Believe it or not, there is a science to enjoying your summer vacation. Here are some tips to consider:


Before you go: Take note of what you may want to address in the Fall. This does not mean you need to have next year prepped and ready to go. Just make a list of things that stood out to you, perhaps a unit, a seating plan or organizational project that needs refiguring, but that’s it, just make note of it so you know to address it when you are ready to prep.


Mind your mind: Your mental health matters all year round. Learn new ways to take care of your mental health or continue to practice wellness strategies that work for you; for example, mindfulness, journalling, walking in nature, meditation or medication. Whether it be a skill or concept; lifelong learning promotes cognitive resiliency and keeps our minds sharp.


Unplug: We are constantly connected to the world through our phones or computers. Screens are everywhere! Turn your notifications off for a portion of the day, leave your phone outside of your bedroom when you are sleeping or put a timer on when you go online with an alarm so you know when it’s time to get off and do something different.


Maintain a routine: Not a popular opinion but try to maintain a routine of some sort, especially when it comes to sleep. Try to wake up at the same time each day and go to bed when you are tired. Remember the basics, eat regular nutritious meals, move your body, and get fresh air.


Connection: We spend a lot of time with our colleagues; they often provide our social connection and engagement so when it comes to a break, and those social connections are not as readily available, people may find themselves feeling lonely or isolated. Reach out!


Rest: It can be difficult embracing rest when you are normally running around all day putting out fires. Many people are so entrenched in their hectic work life that when it comes to rest, they do not know how to do it! Rest can feel uncomfortable or indulgent in a society that bases our value on how productive we are. According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, there are 7 types of rest:


Physical: rest your body through sleep, naps, gentle movement such as yoga,massage or simple stretching.


Mental: give your brain regular breaks; you can listen to music, sit in silence or journal to get the noise out of your head and onto paper.


Spiritual: do things that provide meaning and purpose for you; for example, meditation, prayer, being with nature or volunteerism.


Emotional: practice expressing your emotions, so they are not pent up inside. Emotional rest can be supported with therapy, self care, sharing or being witnessed by another, or refraining from people pleasing.


Sensory: our senses are constantly taking in new information and processing the world around us. Try using eye masks, ear plugs, weighted blankets, dimming lights or turning off devices to settle your senses and avoid overstimulation.


Social: spend time with people who fill you up rather than deplete you. Set boundaries and say no if you want to have alone time. Nurture the relationships that are important to you.


Creative: play and engage in your child-like wonder. We know how important play is to students, the same goes for adults. Why do kids get to have all the fun?! Reconnect with what lights you up inside; this can be through art, sport, tinkering or exploration.


If you are looking for some inspiration, here are ideas of what to do in Manitoba over the summer:


Explore: Here is a list of things to do or places to go in Manitoba:

  • Public parks re: Assiniboine, St. Vital or KP
  • Explore The Leaf or Leo Mol Gardens
  • Festivals!! Folks Fest, Fringe Fest, Folklorama
  • Take a hike! 
  • Visit the Human Rights Museum
  • LARP (live action role play)
  • Hit the beach!! 
  • Have a picnic or BBQ
  • Go out for cool treat; ice cream or Slurpee
  • Public swimming
  • Camping
  • Walking tours
  • Farmer’s Markets
  • The Forks
  • Winnipeg Art Gallery and/or Quamajug
  • Medicine picking
  • Reconnect with nature; go forest bathing
  • Go to a movie theatre and cool off with air-conditioning

For more information and ideas, please visit:


Travel Manitoba:

Tourism Winnipeg:

Trails Manitoba:

Hike Manitoba:

Road Trip Manitoba:


If you are struggling with your mental health this summer, or any time of year, reach out for support. Talk to a trusted friend, family member or professional; someone you feel safe with about how you are feeling. You can also reach out to the following:


Have a safe and happy summer!!



Dalton-Smith, S.(2017) Sacred Rest. Faithwords.