Care For All in Education:
March 2024 Spotlight
Care For All in Education: March 2024 Spotlight
March is unpredictable – we don’t know if winter and spring are coming or going. There is little control over the weather, but we adapt, don’t we? Figure out what we need to be prepared and how to respond. The response is what is in our control.
Steven Covey (1989) created a model that shows 3 concentric circles: Concern, Influence and Control:

The first and smallest circle at the center is the circle of control, representing aspects of our life over which we have direct control and influence. It is the sphere in which we can effect change; for example, your thoughts, mood, choices, actions, responses, how you set/maintain boundaries, self-talk and mindset. The circle of control symbolizes the areas where we can take meaningful action and make a positive difference.
The second circle represents influence; we may or may not have the power to expand our influence into this region to create change. We can certainly try. It is wise to spend some of our energy in that sphere, bearing in mind that we can control our efforts in this sphere, but not necessarily outcomes. This can include things like your reputation, the mood in a room, other people’s behaviours and thoughts, or your daily productivity.
What we place in our circle of influence depends on how optimistic or pessimistic we are and how we think about our agency and self-efficacy. We may overestimate our agency and influence, or else we may underestimate it, especially when we feel depressed and helpless (Seligman, 2011; DeAngelis, 2015).
Some things we do in the circle of control radiate outward. They have consequences for ourselves and those around us. The way we behave and show up impacts others. It can positively influence certain situations and outcomes and thereby expand our circle of control. For example, how well we prepare and show up for a job interview will increase our chances of getting the job. How hard we work and how strategic we are about our decision-making may determine the success of a school. But not always — and that is precisely the point.
Finally, what is outside circle of control? This circle encompasses a broader range of external factors, challenges, and circumstances that we may care about, but which are clearly beyond our control. It relates to things like the weather, traffic, death, the economy, war, global pandemic, social media, past decisions, or where you were born. Accepting the idea that there are some things that we simply cannot control can be profoundly liberating. It can help us let go of anxiety and stress and focus on the things that we can change.
It can be overwhelming and seem hopeless sometimes. What’s the point? I can take great care of myself, and it still does not address the fact that I don’t have enough time in a day to complete what needs to get done. It won’t add more funding so that there is adequate staffing, updated equipment and paid lunch programming. What about the lack of substitutes, cutbacks to E. A’s and support positions, reliance on employees’ paying out of pocket for classroom resources and materials?
Before looking at this further, let’s acknowledge the impact of things that are out of our control and the unfairness of it, for example, being racialized, living in poverty, colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism, generational trauma and homophobia to name a few. There are experiences and realities that harm people and it can be dismissive, patronizing and elitist not to acknowledge and appreciate the additional challenges that come with this.
However, Luthans et al. (2008, p. 132) established that “individuals who focus on the circle of control are more likely to be resilient in the face of stress and adversity”. For example, Sue is struggling against teacher burnout. Her environment is very stressful, and she is constantly worrying about the behaviors and attitudes of her students, even though she knows she can’t really control them. Sue is introduced to the concept of the circle of control and encouraged to focus on the things she can control her own attitude and reflections, her teaching style, how she responds to bad behavior, and the way she shows up in her interactions with students. This shift in perspective allows Sue to let go of her worries and approach her job with a greater sense of calm and equanimity (Anna K. Schaffner, 2024).
It requires daily work and energy not to let the forces beyond one’s control create hopelessness and inflexible thinking. It’s ok if our response, feelings or thoughts don’t always align with what is helpful. We can’t always be our best selves and learn from knowing better. What is transformative is knowing when it’s time to check in with potentially unhelpful thoughts, behaviours and feelings and challenge their validity. Is it helpful to stay stuck in a negative thought cycle, that “things will never get better” or “I’m failing”? Or would it be more helpful to shift that into, “things are hard right now, but it won’t last forever”, or “I’m doing the best I can”. Spending your energy building yourself up, rather than tearing yourself down, may leave you more space to be a part of the change you wish to see.
It’s not perfect, but it’s a place to start. If you take care of your circle of control, you are going to have a stronger foundation to face that which is outside of your control. There is hope and potential. Sometimes things are going to feel too hard. That’s ok. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed or less than capable. BUT – believe it or not, you CAN do hard things. It means self-compassion, prioritizing your needs so that you can be there for others, radical acceptance and additional support to address systemic issues that are in your circle of influence.
Think about your circles of control, influence and beyond. You can do this on a blank sheet of paper by filling in each circle above as it relates to your own life. If you want support in exploring your circles of control and influence, reach out to a Wellness Specialist through Care for All in Education.
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Covey, S. (1989) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. New York, USA: Simon & Schuster.
DeAngelis, T. (2015). The circle of influence. Monitor on Psychology, 46(5), 50–56.
Luthans, F., Avey, J. B., & Patera, J. L. (2008). Experimental analysis of a web-based training intervention to develop positive psychological capital. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 13(2), 132–141.
Schaffner, A., (2023) Understanding the Circles of Influence, Concern, and Control. ( Understanding the Circles of Influence, Concern, and Control ( Reviewed Feb,10, 2024.
Seligman, M. E. P. (2011). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. Free Press.